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Study+Research+Serve Content Duplicate 1


We work on providing academic services based on to the best quality practices and employ the latest technologies to improve the provided services through highly qualified manpower and efficient systems.


Providing a research environment that encourages creativity and innovation that facilitates active participation in research activities to serve the individual and the community

Community Service

Establishing social service practices and continuous volunteer work by providing educational, training, consultative and research services in cooperation with institutions various community.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

ِAlong with the vision, we support the focus on innovation in cutting-edge technologies and entrepreneurship.

Video Home Page


E-Services Duplicate 1


Below is a list of E-Services provided to all BU stakeholders (students,faculty members,and employees).

All Services
BU's Email
BU's Email

This is an Email service, provided for you by the Deanship of E-Learning and Information Technology and can be used by students, Faculty members and employees.




Keen that the wheel of development keep going round in all fields, the University has worked on developing its strategic plan, especially at the end of its 1st version in late 2018, prompting the current strategic plan to take over, with its roots running deep in: the University’s keenness on keeping itself abreast of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, its strategic plans and executive programs. This also involves what this Vision has included of drawing up objectives in relation to education during the forthcoming stage.

Executive Summary

البرامج واللوائح والأدلة

Locations & Maps

Policies and Guidelines

Academic programs

